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Thursday, January 28, 2010

How Stephen Colbert saved the world

I kid you not.

To understand the effect the phenomenon Colbert represents requires an understanding of politics, media and domographics - and the ability to see through the hubris of the present.
Colbert, an actor and comedian, was tagged as one of the very bright lights on The Daily Show, he playing the part of the neo-con to the lib-left position taken by host Jon Stewart. Far from falling into the predictable stereotype of the ranting, angry reactionary, Colbert's personna took on the smart, cynical and oh so sarcastic tone of the independant and libertarian. People unwilling or uncomfortable being branded either a Republican of a Democrat - or in this country - Conservative or Liberal (nod to the NDP) were sick and tired of the status quo and the baggage included.
Having once run federally, my very modest campaign budget was well used targeting the half of us who dont vote because we just don't care. Far from being dissapointed by this, those in power have more influence than ever pinpointing the core of their support and moving their butts to the polling stations. The greater good is lost in the tactical administrations of politics.

Colbert has caught fire for the same reason Scott Brown is riding in the back of Ted Kennedy's limo today. While Stewart remains bogged down with the yoke of the left, Colbert brilliantly skewers everyone and does it in such a way that requires an unprecedented level of candor from the subject. Make no mistake about it, those who take this man and the maxim he carries lightly will surely be on the outside looking in. An entire generation of voters have been raised on the cynicism and sarcasm (and wit) that the brilliant writers of the Simpsons, South Park and many of the other brilliantly subversive shows that writers have used to continually expose the cracks in the system. Computers, and the technology and communication boom have ensured that everyone knows everything right away. No longer can the kingpins rest assured a lazy, ignorant population will just lie down for them. The question is, how much longer before the joke turns into something entirely more serious? Not long my friends, not long.

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