I have spent the weekend with my daughters - a bi-monthly delight of thousands of Canadian - and frankly - global daddies. My bad luck that the stomach flu had hit by the time I picked the 17 month old up on Friday. Two days of the delights of high fevers, vomiting and kelly green diarreha was my lot, but the fever broke Sat night, and I was as happy as any sleepless parent could be. Parenting is hard. It was hard when there was two of us doing it, and it is surely twice as difficult with half the workforce.
Having negotiated the government and court systems over the past month, I was gobsmacked by the absolute non-existance of men in any of these offices. If I did see one, it was surely someone who fit the racial guidelines outlined on page one of every government HR web page. As someone who has lived on the fringes of this society, I feel it might be time for a worker to be available who has some degree of empathy or personal insight as to my mindset during these trying times, let alone have a hope to be hired by the one sector left that keeps spending money, guarantees pensions ans wages, as well as the fattest wallet in the land (other people's money of course). There has been a dramatic shift in the hiring paradigm - for a generation now; Universities still spit out thousands of eager young women with their gender specific degrees - ready to help yet another sister step on the rights of someone who has done absolutely nothing wrong except to be born with a penis - especially a pink one. Shut up - do not voice your displeasure let alone point out the very real facts that define racism and sexism.
The truth hurts - some of us more than others. It is not popular to stand up for one's rights when the rest of the world has been allowed to view you as somehow undeserving of anything gained in a world described as brutally sexist, racist and unjust. In the immortal words of Mr. Rodney King "Can't we all just get along"?
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