Well, here we go. In the past, the slew of old white men voted into the American Presidency were
skewered by cartoonists, comedians, writers, social commentators, media
personalities and political opponents alike. This time, things are different. As the run up to the election proved, Barack Obama is NOT like any other president - and like Hillary Clinton, any use of mockery,
sarcasm, black humor (excuse the reference) or negative imagery will be met with a broadside (again -
apologies) of outrage - the original message or legitimate
criticism buried under a pile of indignation.
If the world is truly working toward an altruistic model of brotherhood - sisterhood - kinship....ah hell whatever - then we must move past the pettiness and toward an ability to give it and take it with aplomb. Nixon was a sweaty crook - Ford was a bumbler - Carter was a rube peanut farmer - Reagan was a vacant actor - Clinton was a skirt chasing liar - Bush was a criminal and an idiot. What will the legacy of America's first multi-racial rich lawyer be? I can hardly wait to see, but I won't be holding my breath.
1 comment:
Obama to me appears to be Over Conciliatory in bringing aboard his former enemies. Perhaps being a person of TWO RACES he meant to bridge the GAP between opposing races and later in life Opposing Political ideals.
Certainly Bill Clinton paid the Price of keeping republican STAFF appointments who later brought him down. IN Partisan Politics the Liberal Appointments did the same for Joe Clark making him look feeble in office. Sometimes a CLEAN SWEEP is needed to make CHANGE HAPPEN. I find his solution of Bail OUTS to be unimaginative and exactly what the Rich want to hear. He really needs to take control of the Federal RESERVE, Purchase the huge US National DEBT and refinance it at less than 1% Interest. Like Canada they are paying for WARS they WON while the Losers got all their DEBTS wiped out when they lost! Go Figure that Debt out!
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