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Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's the Economy Stupid

Those famous words were uttered by U.S. democratic backroom guru James Caravel during one of the Clinton White house runs in the 90's. Whenever someone on the election team would start to divert from the message, the campaign whip would quickly remind them that people care only so much about anything past their own wallet. When it comes to humanity, we are a pathetic bunch of self serving. short sighted idiots. I wish that were not the case, but time and time again when all levels of society are faced with a decision to make, we continually choose the easiest, we choose the quickest, we want the most profit and the least responsibility. If for some reason you choose to try to be a little better, a little kinder, give a little more you are rejected, abused, and made to be the scapegoat. Long after the profit takers and Captains of Industry have left the building, you and yours are left with broken backs, broken dreams and the loss of the one commodity that should never be taken away - hope.

I am no communist - but sometimes I wonder.

1 comment:

Pasty said...

In times of universal deceit the telling of the truth is a revolutionary act.......