- all the while heightening their own skill set under the pressure

appear weak by comparison in this all important area. The contrary is more often the case, writers block, or partially completed opus' that shrivel in the sun without the lifeblood being supplied to the vital components. Pressure grows with each subsequent release, Even in this world of "vanity publishing" and independent record companies, your reputation is often all you have, and one dropped ball will likely cause the few outlets such as festivals and the all important folks at FACTOR and SOCAN to place you swiftly on the back burner.
Either way - there is no white knight on a steed to carry you to fame and fortune. In the mold of a previous standard contract - a new band selling 1 million units would clear about $25k pr. member (5 member band) after the jackals had had their share, a paltry amount considering a million LP's or CD's sold in Canada is almost unheard of. Later deals and increased leverage brings higher returns, publishing (artists can now no longer be swindled out of their entire publishing credits - only 50% can be wrested from their hands by publishing companies). It's hard to be a musician - a real musician today. A commodity that has always had to live the hardscrabble lives of it's followers, music has become a tawdry, free blow job giving tramp trying to give you the hickey that says to everyone to "Keep Away"! and the art of lovemaking is long ago lost on an industry, and a generation that had applied all the grace and reflection of a Gypsy Minivan salesman. Nothing new there, but every time I sit down to write, I can't help but think to myself "Will anyone ever hear this"?. Will they give a damn? And each and every time, after I have my moment of reflection I just figure - "Fuck em - I'm having fun"!