It's funny how the combonation of demographics and timing have conspired the screw an entire generation of Canadians out of the NFB style dream we were promised for thirty years. Born in 1965, I am of the generation known as X. X has morphed into a Generation X Y then Gen Y and now the echo boomers (get it...the kids of the yuppies fortunate enough to be born 1945-1960) and the poor squabs like me have no numerical weight to affect much of anything. Now, this is all proven, and has been discussed to some extent - but the silent gas in the room is the drastic swing society has taken to wrest away the mantle of control held firmly by the Male-Anglo...the Manglo we shall call ouselves.
As someone who considers himself smart and motivated - my community college artsy diploma has allowed me to partake in a long string of McJobs over the years - as my "sisters" have enjoyed unprecidented advances from 1988-to 2008. The Canadian government has seen that these women are no longer willing to stay home and raise a brood of kids - tomorrows taxpayers. Instead, immigration has spent untold billions to woo a new generation of "Canadians" while women have been made into the uber consumers that industry desired so much. Ask yourself - when is the last time you saw any advertising aimed at anyone other than a female 18-35? and then ask yourself - who spends to feel better?... you know-therapy?
Not me - I can't afford formula and diapers. For my girls.